Our Institution has been in the noble service of enlightening the so called backward area of the state of UP through its educational institutions and other appropriate level. It has been established by a group of philanthropists with an objective to make education easily accessible even to the person in the last row. Our Institution under the guidance of JK Charitable Trust, has been rooting the records of achievements for the last 11 years, since the inception. It has proved that private enterprise in education can produce the greatest results with no strain on the country’s exchequer. In spite of being in rural areas we have produced students who are self-reliant, confident, and versatile with the courage of conviction and creativity. Above all, we aim to develop the students into good human beings, who are upright citizens with a strong moral fiber, ready to be the torch bearers of a shining India of the 21st century. We always seek new vistas of wisdom and knowledge to stand out distinctly apart from the milling crowd of education providers.

Name Jk Academy
Affiliate ID 2132159
Address Durganpur Khera Ailum Biral Road Budhana
PIN Code 247771
Office Phone 0131-8875017017
E-mail rahulchemistry1984@gmail.com
Foundation Year 2013
Principal/Head of Institution Mr. Rahul Panwar
School Status Senior Secondary School
Managing Trust/Society/Committee Jk Charitable Trust


Our vision/ Motto

  • “Unveiling potential, our school envisions a dynamic learning community where curiosity is kindled, diversity is celebrated, and students embrace challenges with resilience. Guided by innovation and compassion, we strive to empower individuals to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and compassionate contributors to a global society. Our vision is to inspire excellence, foster collaboration, and nurture a passion for knowledge that transcends boundaries and shapes a future of limitless possibilities.”
  • “Inspiring Excellence, Fostering Unity. Our school’s motto encapsulates a commitment to academic brilliance, character development, and a harmonious community. Together, we strive for excellence, embracing diversity, and creating a nurturing environment where every student thrives and contributes meaningfully to society.”
  • We foster our students’ love for learning, encourage them to try new and exciting things, and give them a solid foundation to build on.
  • Our vision is to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We will do this by providing a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.
  • Our goal is to support and nurture the children’s and our own natural desire to be life-long learners. We are committed to the families we serve, providing support and encouragement.
  • Our vision is for each child to develop a curiosity of learning, discover their interests and grow in their love of learning. We also desire to have strong families through parent support/fellowship and skills training.
  • We aim to offer a safe, happy place where everyone is known and valued, and where differing needs are acknowledged, accepted and met.
  • We aim to encourage each child to be independent and develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and respect for others in the environment.